SSR - The Science Behind CBPT

The Science Behind CBPT

The CBPT Program focuses on the relationship between thoughts, emotions and behaviors. The program is based on scientific research about how to increase activity, manage pain and stress, and replace negative thoughts and feelings with more positive ones after surgery. Below is some basic information on what research tells us about the CBPT Program.

Skills based. Learning about what to expect after surgery is a good first step. Taking charge of your recovery is more than increasing your knowledge. Research shows it is important to learn and practice specific skills – relaxation, reducing negative thinking, and balancing rest and activity. These skills help you decrease your pain and improve your quality of life.

Set goals and track your progress. Managing your recovery is also about setting walking and activity goals. Effective programs help you break these goals down into achievable steps and track your progress toward your goals.

Effective programs address the body, mind, and activity. Because pain and stress affect many parts of your health and life, you need a recovery program that covers them all. Medications and physical or occupational therapy help the body recover. To help your mind – you can learn to relax and avoid negative thinking about pain and exercise. Learning to balance rest and activity helps keep you active.

Early intervention can make a difference. It is easier to control pain and stress before it slows down your recovery and activity level.

You need to do your part. Health professionals can help, but they can’t do it alone. You also play an important part in your recovery. Taking a self-management approach to your treatment leads to better outcomes after surgery.

The CBPT Program is not a substitute for medical care, rehabilitation therapy or individual counseling. It is designed to help you work with your doctors, therapists, and others to increase your activity and prevent pain and stress from controlling your life after surgery.